Working Hours Policy/GB Domestic Rules, Work Schedule Policy & Pay Policy
Duty time - If you work as a driver for a company, duty time is any working time. If you’re self-employed, duty time is the only time you spend driving the vehicle or doing other work related to the vehicle or its load.
Daily driving limit - You must not drive for more than 10 hours a day on public roads.
Daily duty limit - You must not be on duty for more than 11 hours on any working day. This limit doesn’t apply on any working day when you don’t drive. Breaks and rest are not part of duty time.
After 5 hours 30 minutes of continuous driving, you must take a break of at least 30 minutes for rest and refreshment. Or, within any period of 8 hours 30 minutes, you must take at least 45 minutes in breaks. You must also have a break of at least 30 minutes at the end of this period unless it’s the end of the working day.
Length of working day (‘spread over’) - You must not work more than 16 hours between the times of starting and finishing work - including non-driving work and any times when you’re off.
Daily rest periods - You must take a rest of 10 hours before the first duty and immediately after the last duty in a working week.
You must take a rest of at least 10 hours between 2 working days (or spread overs) - this can be reduced to 8.5 hours up to 3 times a week.
All duties must start and finish within a 24-hour period.
Emergencies - The GB domestic rules are relaxed, the driving and duty limits are suspended for the duration of the emergency in cases where immediate action is needed to avoid:
danger to the life or health of people or animals;
serious interruption of essential public services (gas, water, electricity or drainage), of telecommunication or postal services, or in the use of roads, railways, ports or airports; or serious damage to property.
But you MUST ensure you get Adequate rest, which means you should have regular rest periods. These rest periods must be sufficiently long and continuous.
It is your responsibility to keep track of your breaks and working hours and you should advise your OSM of any foreseeable problems or issues when receiving work details.
Any unreasonable demands being made with regard to working hours by the planning dept. should be reported to your OSM.
Further information regarding GB Domestic Driving Rules can be found here.
Work Schedule Policy
At certain times through the engagement, you may be asked to provide services from another customer location, if this happens and is requested by the customer you will still receive the day rate as per the SLA, and may also be reimbursed for mileage at the rate prescribed by the customer.
Alternative working may and can happen as there is a requirement to the customer to fulfil the contract.
This does not include:
Routine travel to and from a place of work unless stated or agreed prior to travel.
Unpaid rest breaks when no work is done.
Time spent travelling outside normal working time
Training such as non-job-related evening or day courses
Leave due to sickness, annual leave, maternity leave, accrued leave.
Fast UK Parcel runs a 7-day operation based on our clients’ needs, this gives drivers the option to several working schedules in order to best suit their needs. The maximum number of consecutive working days a supplier can work is 6 days.
Example, Work 4 days consecutive, 4 days rest – Alternatively 5 days consecutive, with 1-day rest and a further 4 days work with 2 days rest etc.
Pay Policy
The current Service Rate Card and Remuneration can be found in Schedule 1 to Service Level Agreement.
The Supplier is responsible for his own Tax and National Insurance Contributions and must notify the Company if they are VAT registered and provide any/all available information to assist the Company in ensuring the Supplier is remunerated per the agreed terms. Therefore, the Supplier is responsible for certifying that the HMRC legislation regarding Tax and National Insurance are met. At the earliest opportunity and before receipt of any payments for services provided, the Company also requires the Supplier to provide his Unique Tax Reference (UTR) number. The Company reserves the right to withdraw the offer of services to the Supplier if after due notice and without reasonable explanation, the supplier fails to provide his UTR number within the appropriate timeline.
As an independent contractor, the Supplier understands and agrees that they are not entitled to any statutory payments such as holiday pay, sick pay, maternity/paternity pay or any other payment.
Fast UK Parcel will validate the invoice details and pay such invoices within 14 days of receipt. Payments are made via BACS transfer into the bank account provided by the supplier which must be in their own name. The Bank transfer can take up to three working days to clear.
If/where applicable, the Supplier agrees that the Company may deduct any amounts that the Supplier owe the Company in respect of the following;
Vehicle damages (actual costs only),
vehicle rental and insurance,
Fines/traffic violations/parking tickets/speeding fines,
Background Checks up to £49.00
Route Support, an agreed amount might be deducted from the Supplier who requires assistance to complete a route.
Driver Incentive Payments
The Company will pay 100% of Peak incentive payments to the Supplier, and the Supplier will be able to identify these payments separately on the statement of services.
Fast UK Parcel will pay 90% of service standards/quality incentives related to concessions such as DPMO (Defects Per Million Opportunities) to the Supplier, and the Supplier will be able to identify these payments separately on the statement of services. DPMO bonuses are subject to the Suppliers providing services to Fast UK Parcel at specific client locations collectively achieving the incentive criteria.
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) - The Company will include £1.80 per Route for BYOD subsidy, and the Supplier will be able to identify these payments on the statement of services.
Fuel and Mileage
The Company will pay the Supplier the current mileage rate paid by the end-user client. The Supplier will be able to identify these payments separately on the statement of services. The Suppliers will be entitled to reimbursement of the fuel used during the provision of services to the Company based on the client’s fuel policy and calculation. The fuel cost will be based on planned mileage per Route for one vehicle fuel consumption of 27 miles per 4.54 litres. The fuel cost will be the average monthly cost per litre of diesel, net of VAT, as stated on the fuel report published by the AA Group.